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Post Diwali detox plan

diwali detox

In our country Diwali is known as the festival of lights. In urban settings, Diwali finishes with a change in lifestyle for those five days. So in this article we shall explore what should be your post Diwali detox plan.

Why detox

In five days, our skin is exposed to outside air heavy with pollution and smog. Hectic schedule means that we do not have sufficient time to take care of the skin. Many of us just move between relatives places one after other with just enough time to touch up in between. That is too much of chemicals on your skin.

The ban of firecrackers has still not being enforced by the authorities. That adds up to the lack of sleep and mental peace. Those of us who are sensitive to the noise will get affected.

Finally during the festive season we consume generous portions of sweets. The commercial production and heavy demand of sweets during the festive season ensures that quality takes a back seat.

Solid Diwali detox hacks

Rest and nutrition are the dual approach you need to follow.

De-stressing before sleep

All detoxing process happens when you sleep. For the process to work optimally, you need to hit the deep sleep cycle. The first cycle usually hits your body at 1130pm. So you need to de stress and plan for sleep well before this time.

Typical activities which you can do is play with kids or pets, do a hobby or go for a walk. Do not do any activity which excites you like watching an action movie or news. Avoid harsh and bright light which will not let you sleep. Do not eat sweets or dessert having too much sugar before sleeping.

Try to get as much sleep as possible the night after the five festive days are over.

Nutrition does the repair and healing

Your body repairs itself on its own. Your skin is regenerated every 21 days for example. This creation of new cells and destruction of old is a continuous process. However this repair process needs nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals. Eat home cooked food consisting vegetables and healthy fats. Consume dry fruits like almond, walnut and pista. Flax seeds, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds are the other healthy options to eat. One vegetable can be cooked and other can be in the form of a salad. Eat a piece of fresh amla fruit and drink water with two lemons without sugar.

In case of vegetarian options, go for paneer or cheese for quality protein. For non-vegetarians there are a lot of choices of quality proteins. Make sure to have two eggs to complete the nutrition cycle.

Plan for an early dinner between 7pm to 8pm.

Let the liver work its magic

Liver is the largest organ of the body. It is also the most important organ too. Detoxification process happens inside the liver. As it is the liver is busy the whole day and night performing various functions. For the next few days after diwali, avoid the following foods which contain fructose or High Fructose Corn Syrup.

  • Packed and processed food
  • Packet juices
  • Any fresh fruit which contains sugar
  • Fresh fruit juices
  • Packed or freshly prepared desserts
  • Bakery products

Fresh fruits contain sugar which is broken down into glucose and fructose. While glucose goes to the blood to be used as energy by the cells, fructose is processed by the liver and broken down into fat and purines. This increases the chances of accumulation of fat in the liver and around the waist. Purines are further converted to uric acid.

The day after

Wake up early and take a 30 min walk in the morning sunlight. Follow it up with suryanamaskar. Try to delay your breakfast and choose salads and high quality protein like boiled eggs or paneer or mushrooms.

This diwali detox plan will greatly benefit you getting back your glow and reversing all the damage caused by various elements.

About Zing Life

Even though we have tried our best to layout a post Diwali detox plan for you, the best way to work your way around is to consult a health coach or dietitian who can design a personalised plan for you. That way you can derive maximum benefits from the detox.

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